John Hart - I am a burn survivor of a high voltage electrical accident that left me with hidden burns to fourty percent of my body and the loss of my right arm and leg. After attending a few burn conferences I decided to get involved with the Mamingwey Burn Survivor Society. My family and I have come away with so much, the friendship and care we received was just what we needed. I want to thank each one that has been a part in our journey.
Tanya Foster
Kaylin Lalchun
Sheila Forbes - I am a retired school secretary, a wife, a mother of two girls and a grandmother of 3 boys. I have been a volunteer with Mamingwey Burn Survivor Society for 6 years and a volunteer counselor at the Firefighters' Burn Camp, Mamawi, for 7 years. I am looking forward to welcoming you as you register for this year's conference.
Steve Haglund
Barbara-Anne Hodge - Educated as an occupational therapist, I worked on the Burn Unit at the Health Sciences Centre for over 25 years prior to my retirement from the profession. I have been involved with the Mamingwey group since its inception. I am also the Co-Chair of the Canadian Burn Survivors Community, and am a board member of the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance. I am a former member of the Board of Directors of the Firefighters’ Burn Fund Manitoba
Adam Ikeda
Sara-Jane Milne
Ashley Wilson - Ashley Wilson is a burn survivor, and a recent graduate of the University of Winnipeg. She has been involved with the Manitoba Firefighter Burn Camp for the past 5 years as a counsellor. Additionally, she has served as a board member of the Mamingwey Burn Survivors Society in Manitoba for the past three years, working on their annual Burn Survivor Conference program, as well as fundraising for the society. Lastly, she is a board member of the Canadian Burn Survivor Community.
Hazel Booth - My name is Hazel Booth, I am the oldest sister of Burn Survivor John Hart. My husband & I live in Rochester, MN and have 4 grown children and 4 grandsons, ranging from ages 23 to 16 and 2 step-grandchildren ages 16 and 13. For the past 1-1/2 years, we have been staying in Winnipeg taking care of my almost 95 yr. old Mother. We enjoy helping with the Mamingwey Burn Survivor Conferences and the Go For the Burn Runs.
Lynne Boyle
Jim Burjan
Martin Johnson - Retired in 2003 after 41 years of service with the Winnipeg Fire Department with the rank of Platoon Chief. Co-Founder (1978) of the Firefighters Burn Fund and is current Chairman. Participant, member, and supporter of Burn Survivor Sunday and its evolution into today’s Mamingwey Burn Survivor Society.
Lisa Forbes
Martin Roer
Maria Cristina Laureano - I was burned at 9-months-old. She got involved with Mamingwey when she decided to create After the Cocoon (, a collection of online stories and photographs of Canadian burn survivor, for her graduation project for the Creative Communications program. Inspired by the other survivors she met while making her project, she decided to join Mamingwey as a board member and also serves as a member of the media/promotion committee.
Janelle Toews - I'm a Registered Nurse and have recently started working on the Burn Unit at Health Science Centre; it is a honour to be a part of such a compassionate team in being able to provide care and support to burn survivors.
Robyn Smith - A recent graduate from the baccalaureate nursing program at Red River College, I now work on the surgery, trauma and burn unit at The Children's Hospital of Winnipeg. Although I have not yet had much experience with burns, I am very interested and excited to learn more, and to gain the knowledge and experience to provide the best care possible the families and children who are affected by them.